Monday, September 10, 2007

Strength for the coming year

Yom tov is challenging for almost every family, but those with stressful family or marriage situations can find this time of year especially burdensome. I wish all of you the strength to get through the holidays. I hope they will be meaningful for you and your family.

I also wish you a good and prosperous year in which your situation will markedly change for the better. We never can know God's plan for us.

Ketivah ve-chatimah tova,
May you be inscribed and sealed for a good life,

Mother in Israel

Sunday, September 2, 2007

What to look for in a shidduch

Sephardi Bochur (no relation to Sephardi Lady) sent me an email:

I know your blog is about shalom bayit, but I was wondering if you could please ask your bloggers what to look for in a shidduch.

Bloggers and commenters, here is your chance to help singles make wise choices.

Let's divide the question into three:

  1. Defining the qualities you seek, in other words what to put on "the list;"
  2. Whether or not to agree to an offered shidduch; and
  3. Is the person across from you "the one?"
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